Una isla mundial 2030

Editing, montage and motion graphics

Aniversario Museo Elder, de la Ciencia y la Tecnología -December 2024 thumbnail 1

25 Aniversario Museo Elder, de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

Filmmaking, recording, editing, montage and motion graphics
Catar - 2022 thumbnail

Catar (“Qatar”, excerpt)

Filmmaking, recording, editing and motion graphics

Entrevista al jugador de fútbol Andrés D’Alessandro. Interview (excerpt) with soccer player Andrés D’Alessandro, in Montevideo

Filmmaking, recording, editing, montage and motion graphics

Puerto de la Luz y de Las Palmas (La Luz Port, the Port of Las Palmas)

Filmmaking, recording, editing, montage and motion graphics
El Legado de Atindamana (“The Legacy of Atindamana”) thumbnail

El Legado de Atindamana (“The Legacy of Atindamana”)

Creativity, editing, montage and motion graphics

La Isleta, paraje natural (“La Isleta, natural place”)

Filmmaking, recording, editing, montage and motion graphics

La Ruta del Vino de Gran Canaria (“The route of Gran Canaria’s wine”)

Filmmaking, recording, editing, montage and motion graphics

Los Secretos del Ángel (“The Angel´s Secrets”) . Extract. Aquacine

Motion grapichs

Semana de la Arquitectura. Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Gran Canaria (“Architectural week. Gran Canaria’s official school of architects”)

Filmmaking, recording, editing, montage and motion graphics

LPGC Ciudad Atlántica (“Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the Atlantic City”)

Filmmaking, editing, montage and motion graphics

Un día de playa. El verano que acabó ayer (“A Day on the Beach. The Summer that Ended Yesterday”)

Filmmaking, recording, editing, montage and motion graphics

Teléfono del Mayor Helpline’s Campaign

Teléfono del Mayor ("Helpline for Older People") is a free, 24 hour, confidential helpline for older people in the Canary Islands. This service is supported by the Spanish NGO Teléfono de la Esperanza ("Hope Helpline").

Student Recruitment Campaign

Lycée Français René-Vernau

Pelota (“Ball”)

Cultural Association "Salsipuedes"

Documentary (excerpt)

European Union Project "Life + Rabiche”

Promotional Campaign – Course “Volar sin miedo” (“How to Overcome Flight Fear”)


El Botín del Atlántico (“The Treasure from the Atlantic Ocean”)

Castle of Mata's Inauguration - Museum of the City and the Sea, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Castle of La Luz

Martín Chirino's Foundation of Art and Thought

Campaign Production – Family Foster Care Program in the Canary Islands

TV spot. Government of the Canary Islands

Campaign on the Rational Use of Medicines

TV spot. Government of the Canary Islands
Festival de Cine de LPGC - 2010 thumbnail

Festival de Cine de LPGC. (“Film Festival in LPGC“)

Creativity, editing and motion graphics
Transporte de Gran Canaria - 2009 thumbnail

Transporte de Gran Canaria. (“Transports from Gran Canaria“)

Creativity, editing and motion graphics

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